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The citizen jury of Christmas honored at the Assembly

The citizen jury of Christmas honored at the Assembly

Published on 15 November 2023

A trophy was awarded to the City of Strasbourg

by the association Décider ensemble, which rewards citizen involvement in the evolution of the Christmas Market

The citizen jury of Strasbourg Capitale de Noël was awarded a Trophy for Participation and Consultation by the think-tank Décider ensemble. In collaboration with La Gazette des communes, the association rewards associations, local authorities, or businesses every year that engage in innovative participatory approaches..

Three stars

On November 8, two members of the citizen jury and Carole Zielinski, deputy for participatory democracy, went to the National Assembly to receive their trophy, in the three-star category. "It is a recognition both for the City of Strasbourg and its employees, who mobilized to make this exercise a success, and for the involvement of the 50 citizens who gave their time and energy in this unprecedented process," says Carole Zielinski.

The 50 members of the jury invested themselves for eight months, from July 2022 to March 2023, to discover the issues related to the Christmas Market and formulate recommendations to Jeanne Barseghian. Most of their wishes were validated by the mayor, and some will already be implemented during the 2023 edition of Strasbourg Capitale de Noël..

  • Lisette Gries
  • Photos : Archives Abdesslam Mirdass et Jérôme Dorkel